Cassandra Reeder, Author: Author Cassandra Reeder launched her blog The Geeky Chef in 2008, bringing fictional food and drinks from a vast array of fandoms into reality with simple and fun recipes. Since then, a series of cookbooks based on the trailblazing blog have been published, including The Geeky Chef Cookbook, The Geeky Bartender Drinks, and The Video Game Chef. When not conjuring up recipes for fictional food, Cassandra can be found perusing the food carts in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and two tiny geeks.
S. T. Bende, Author: S.T. Bende is a young-adult and children’s author, known for the Norse mythology series Viking Academy and the Ære Saga. She’s also written books for Disney, Lucasfilm, Pixar, The Jim Henson Company, and Marvel. She lives on the West Coast, where she spends far too much time at Disneyland, and she dreams of skiing on Jotunheim and Hoth.